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We are pleased to offer 30 places in each year group throughout the school.  We are now at full capacity based on the space we have in our building. We are often oversubscribed and demand to attend the school is high. We welcome all prospective parents to visit the school and see what we can offer your child/children. We continually focus on improving the quality of education we provide at Luddendenfoot Academy and we are very much focused on the needs and aspirations of each and every child attending our school.

Please find our admissions policy below. If you have any further questions or would like to arrange a visit to the school, please contact our school administrator on 01422 882298.

Please click on the link below for our admissions document.

24.25. Luddendenfoot Academy. Admissions Policy

Attendance policy

Behaviour Policy

Contact Luddendenfoot Academy

Burnley Road

Email Address

01422 882298

Charges and Remission Policy

Please click here for the Polaris MAT Charges and Remissions Policy

Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Procedures 2024-25

Curriculum Information

Please click here for Curriculum information.

Complaints Policy

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust Complaints policy.

Data Protection Policy

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust Data Protection Policy

Pupil premium strategy statement

Equality Policy

Please click here for the Trust Equality Policy

Financial Statements

Please click here for our Trust financial statements

Freedom of Information Policy

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust FOI Policy.

Governor and Trustee Information

Please click here for our Governor information

Health and Safety Policy

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust Health & Safety Policy.

LGB Terms of Reference

Please click here for our Terms of Reference – LGB

Ofsted Outstanding Report

Performance tables

Please click here for performance tables

Privacy Notices

Please click here for our Trust Privacy Notice

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Scheme of Delegation

Please click here for our Scheme of Delegation.

Our school is open from 8:50 am – 3:20 pm, this totals 32.5 hours per week.

School Uniform Policy

Please click here for our school uniform information.

Searching Pupils and Confiscation Policy

SEND Local Officer

Please click here for our SEND Local Officer

SEND Information Report

SEND Policy

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust Vision & values.

Request for Policies

Should you require a physical copy of any of our information published on this website please email